
Posts Tagged: web site design

Facebook in all the right places

Facebook is getting in on the location-based social networking act, with Facebook Places. If you have Facebook on your mobile device, you may have notice this new feature the last time your app updated. Facebook Places lets you let your network know where you are when you check in. Facebook’s blog post outlines the main features of Places.

They’re all a-Twitter

If you’ve visited Twitter’s home page lately, you’ve probably noticed the announcement about a new Twitter on the way, or you may have heard about it on radio or TV. As you can see on this page, what you’ll find on the new Twitter is a different layout.

How to choose a Web site designer

Whenever you look up criteria for choosing a contractor, you see the same things over and over: Find out how much experience they have, get references, and check their credentials. When if comes to choosing a Web site designer, these are easy tasks. A designer’s work and clients are out there on the Web for all to see. So what else can you use to pick the right designer? Here are some ideas.

Achievements and Accolades