Whenever you look up criteria for choosing a contractor, you see the same things over and over: Find out how much experience they have, get references, and check their credentials. When if comes to choosing a Web site designer, these are easy tasks. A designer’s work and clients are out there on the Web for all to see. So what else can you use to pick the right designer? Here are some ideas.
A new social media application popping up on more and more websites is the Wibiya social toolbar. It resembles a true toolbar and resides at the bottom off website page. It’s very customizable, so the toolbar will look different for every company, but you can expect to see the logos of other social media on it.
It’s no secret that this has been one of the worst economic times in this country’s history and unemployment rates have risen to a scary peak. But we have good news; it’s bouncing back. Slowly but surely the United States economy is on the rise and with that comes more jobs and most importantly; more investment.
Social media is not necessarily a known term of the past, but undoubtedly a driving force of the future. Companies are quickly learning that if they intend on reaching their internet-savvy audience in as many ways as possible, integrating a social media marketing campaign into their existing communication strategy isn’t just necessary, it’s imperative.