
Posts Tagged: social media marketing

Measuring your blog’s success

There is a lot of great blogging hints in this article, but we’d like to focus on the first one. It’s important to measure your blog’s marketing success, because as the only saying goes, if you’re not measuring, you’re not marketing. An important first step is making sure you know your blog’s purpose. The article mentions three different types of blogs, and each has a different measure of success.

What’s up with Delicious?

Two weeks ago, the news broke that one the most popular social media marketing (SMM) tools – Delicious – was on the chopping block. Last week, Delicious’s owner, Yahoo, announced it was looking to sell, not shut down, Delicious. And you may be asking why you should care.

Another view of IE9’s ad blocking

Microsoft made some headlines recently with the news that it’s latest browser – Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) – will allow users to prevent some sites they designate from tracking their online behavior. Obviously, this move is a boon for consumers and a set back for advertisers. As this article points out, there’s a longer history to this IE9 feature.

Adventure Web educates youth

Adventure Web’s own Gina Ramsey spoke this week to approximately 250 sixth and seventh graders at Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women. Gina was invited to speak at the charter school on the topic of safety and security on the Internet.

Facebook in all the right places

Facebook is getting in on the location-based social networking act, with Facebook Places. If you have Facebook on your mobile device, you may have notice this new feature the last time your app updated. Facebook Places lets you let your network know where you are when you check in. Facebook’s blog post outlines the main features of Places.

Searching for Google Instant answers

As we predicted a couple weeks ago, when we first posted about Google Instant, there’s a lot of discussion about its impact on search engine optimization (SEO). As a quick review, Google Instant is a new feature in which Google returns results as you type. As this article points out, there’s still a lot to hash out when it comes to the influence of Google Instant on your SEO.

Location, location, location goes social

We’re not letting any cats out of the bag by proclaiming that location-based social networking is the next big thing. Talking heads have been falling all over each other to declare location-based services such as Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp, and Brightkite this year’s “Twitter.” However, it isn’t entirely clear how businesses can best utilize these networks. Despite this problem, there are things you can do to be ready when the corporate strategies come along.

Social Media Integration in 2010…The New Marketing Key.

Social media is not necessarily a known term of the past, but undoubtedly a driving force of the future. Companies are quickly learning that if they intend on reaching their internet-savvy audience in as many ways as possible, integrating a social media marketing campaign into their existing communication strategy isn’t just necessary, it’s imperative.

What To Include In Your Social Media Marketing Strategy?

Every client desires their social media marketing strategy to create the ultimate “buzz” around their product, service, business or event. What may be a success or failure for one company could result in the exact opposite conclusion for another, simply verifying how incredibly different and customized each social media marketing strategy truly needs to be.

Achievements and Accolades