polls adventure web interactive

How to Use Polls as a Social Media Marketing Tool

polls adventure web interactive

Polls are a great way to gauge how your audience feels about your social media image and how you can improve customer experiences.

Most social media platforms today offer the ability to create polls on stories or regular posts. Polls are a great way to gauge how your audience feels about your social media image and how you can improve customer experiences. Trial and error is your friend when it comes to social media management.

An Element of Newsjacking

Timeliness is everything with polls. You want the most accurate reading of your audience, and the best way to do that is to make sure your topic is relevant to current news stories. Twitter is an example where the poll itself can go viral, so using newsjacking techniques may increase your engagement with new audience members. 

Use the Right Platform for Your Goal

Depending on what you want from the poll, the social media platform you use will be different. Twitter is great for general polls about viral content, current news stories, or memes. Instagram and Facebook have Story features that are very popular with regular users. For the Story feature, only create content that centers your product. Polls should be the same. A good question to ask would be, “Do you like the leggings from last year or this better?” This is a great question because it references two specific things, time and the leggings. The only answers to this poll would be “last year” or “this year,” with heart emojis on both responses. Instagram and Facebook are playful platforms that, if you use playful messaging with, will promote your content.

Opportunity for Real Feedback

Polls are the perfect social media tool to gain honest feedback and engagement from your following. Positive interaction with your polls are great because it means you understand what your audience thinks about when they think about your product. If your viewers ignore your poll, then you are not using the right communication tools with your followers. Try a different time of day when engagement is high. You can also try a different style of question. Interact with your competitors’ social media to find out what people in your audience like to engage with. Changing how you phrase the question and responses will give you a clue to your audience’s interest. 

Contact Adventure Web Interactive Today

For more tips on how to optimize your web content and drive more traffic to your website, follow our blog. Adventure Web Interactive offers expert marketing solutions, including blog and copywriting and social media management. Take the stress of planning, posting, and plotting off of your team and contact us online or by giving us a call at (410) 788-7007. To see more information about our team and services, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.



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