
Online Marketing and the “Internet of Things”

online marketing internet of things

The “Internet of Things” is everywhere in 2016 — optimize your online marketing strategy to fit in!

If you haven’t heard of this snazzy new thing called the Internet…well, then we aren’t quite sure what you think you’re looking at right now. With over $1.5 trillion dollars in annual revenue, the Internet is obviously the place to be in 2016 when it comes to growing and establishing a business. Online marketing has become a huge factor in any good business model, and to create a good online marketing strategy, you must understand the realm in which you’re working. In 2016, we’re living in a digital ecosystem dubbed commonly as the “Internet of Things.” (Here’s an article from Forbes for a simple explanation.) So much of what we interact with on a daily basis is connected to the Web, and it’s important to adapt to this immense digital presence.

What is the “Internet of Things”?

We live in an increasingly “smart” world. The concept of “Internet of Things” refers to the idea of constantly growing connectivity — whether that be in the form of machine-to-machine communication, cloud computing, or simply the instantaneous, omnipresent, mobile availability of the Internet. This last bit — mobility — is key in understanding online marketing in the era of the “Internet of Things.”

How Does it Change My Online Marketing Strategy?

There are currently about 50 billion devices accessing the Internet, and about five times more smartphones than computers. Mobility is a huge factor in 2016, meaning that you should at the very least have a well-built and mobile-optimized website. Additionally, with that many users on the Web at any given time, exposure to online marketing is enormous. It’s hugely important to connect with users by putting out good content and a strong social media presence.

Creating an effective online marketing strategy can be a daunting task when starting a business. Luckily, there are professionals like us who can help you establish and execute a plan to get your business going.

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We offer marketing solutions for you, including blog writing and social media management. That way, you don’t have to worry about posting the right stuff at the right time—we can do that for you. Contact us to see what we can do for your business today! Follow us on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube for more information about website design and social media marketing.


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