
How to Implement Effective Twitter Marketing

Business Twitter

With the right steps, you’ll see an increase of traffic to your business’s Twitter.

The average Twitter account has about 200 followers. If that seems like an unattainable goal for your business Twitter account, then think again. It may be difficult to get people excited about concrete or dishwashers, but with the right kind of Twitter marketing, you can reach more people and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Here are some tips for reaching the full potential of your Twitter account.

Set Your Goals and Actively Work Towards Them

If you made a Twitter account for your business just for the sake of having one, you need to seriously consider these questions: What do I expect from this account? Who do I want to read my Twitter? How should I reach my goal? When should I see results? Why does my Twitter matter? Your business Twitter account should have active goals that it is working towards, rather than just existing on the internet, posting every once in a while.

First, set your goals. What do I expect from this account? Your goals should be specific and measurable. “I want 200 followers” isn’t enough. “I want to implement a marketing strategy that will help me gain 200 followers who are genuinely interested in my product within three months.” That’s a good goal!

Next, target your audience. Who do I want to read my Twitter? Your posts should be directed towards your audience. You can even follow other people and businesses who relate to your own in the hopes that they’ll follow you back or direct attention your way.

You have a specific, measurable goal. Now you ask yourself the question: “How should I reach my goal?” This is where you’ll have to really put the work in. First, update your profile. Make sure that you have helpful information written in the bio section of your profile. Give yourself a new profile picture. You can update your banner image periodically to showcase new products or events. After all that is done, start reaching out. You can strike up conversations with other leaders in your industry by sending them questions with the “@” symbol, followed by their Twitter handle. As in, “@ConcreteMasters What is your opinion on?” Make sure to watch for tweets in your direction, and respond to everything. Customers will like that your Twitter responds when they tweet about your service. You can also host events and live Tweet them for the duration of the event. It’s a lot of work, but it pays off!
Don’t expect to immediately see results after you’ve updated your profile. You may be asking yourself, “When should I see results?” It’s important to keep in mind that you won’t immediately see results, but if you keep up the hard work, you will begin to see your numbers increase! This is why you set a goal that is eventually reached over a period of time, like three months.

After you’ve put a lot of time and effort into creating an informative and interactive Twitter profile for your business, you should be able to answer the question: “Why does my Twitter matter?” Your Twitter should matter because it is a voice for your company. After interacting with many customers and businesses on Twitter, you should establish your business as one of the leaders in the industry in your area. That’s why a well-handled Twitter account means a lot.

Adventure Web Interactive

Have more questions about how to establish you business’s Twitter presence? Send us a tweet! Or tag us on Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Youtube with a link to your post, article, or content. Whether you are a small business trying to get off the ground or an established company trying to reach a larger customer base, we’re here to help you boost your online presence. Contact us today at 410.788.7007 for a free consultation or to learn more!


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