
How to Create Meaningful Connections With Your Customers Via Social Media

Successful enterprises should be customer-centric.

Successful enterprises should be customer-centric. Loyal customers bring in revenue. Within the business world, a common phrase is “the customer is always right,” which is true to a degree. Social media is an instantaneous, low-cost way to connect with your customers and see how they feel about your brand and the services you offer. While social media provides you a way to promote products, what will be more beneficial to you is creating a meaningful connection with your customers. Keep reading to learn how to do this.

Don’t Overload Your Customers with Social Media Posts.

Adding an overwhelming amount of content to your social media posts doesn’t automatically lead to more engagement. Overdoing it can even turn your customers away. You want your brand to seem confident and not desperate. One to two posts a day is the golden rule.

Allow Customers to Market on Your Behalf

You should encourage customers to share their positive experiences. Prompting customers to share their photos and reviews creates a sense of community. Hashtags and online events help with social media marketing as well. The point of social media is to allow people to share their stories and engage with others.

Be Customer-Centric

Of course, one of the main goals for any small business or enterprise is to sell products. But this won’t happen if your customers aren’t satisfied. As long as you put customer satisfaction over just gaining sales, then you’ll always win. Most marketers know that emotions push people to make purchases. When posting, make sure to be relatable and push out emotionally appealing messages that people feel something positive about your brand.

Don’t Be Afraid of Feedback.

Asking your customers for their feedback via social media will only enhance your business. You’ll never know how your customers feel about your brand unless you ask them. You can run surveys, contests, or put out a simple post prompting customers to tell you about their experiences with your company. Some customers have even been responsible for picking out a company’s next product. Oreo has allowed its customers to create new, exciting flavors.

Focus on Community

Traditionally, marketing focused on one channel (radio, television, billboards) in which customers were not able to have a dialogue with the marketer and other customers.  Now, with social media, communication is a two-way street. Online forums are a way to create a community in which your customers can talk to you, other customers, and share with the world what they think about your brand. Take advantage of this.

Adventure Web Interactive Can Help Create Your Website and Manage Your Social Media Presence!

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