What To Look For In A Web Company
Adventure Web is at the forefront of web design and marketing, and so we know exactly what you should be looking for in your Internet company, as well as what you should avoid.
When you’re selecting a web company, consider what they offer in terms of…
You should be charged a flat rate for the design, implementation, and marketing of your website. Not only is it simply good business to know exactly what you’re spending and what you’re spending it on, but a flat rate is the standard practice of a reliable web company. Avoid companies that try to persuade you that hourly rates are a benefit. If they cannot give you a solid number, it means that they either do not know their business well enough and you will be billed for troubleshooting time and other delays, or that they are contracting the work out to other specialists and only functioning as a middle man.
Your web development company should be well-versed in all of the latest industry tools, including CSS, iQuery, PHP, SQL, MySQL, Java, animation, multimedia, and many more. Make sure that they are up-to-date on all of the latest technological advancements in their field and that they are not using obsolete, outdated tools to try and create your modern website.
An attractive, accessible website is only half of the equation for a successful online business. Your web development company should offer a comprehensive marketing package that includes
-Guaranteeing top search engine placement
-Registering your site with all of the major search engines
-Establishing an optimized places page on Google
-Establishing links with other sites of interest
-Locating Internet malls and online shopping networks
-Offering social media strategy and implementation
Your web development company should provide a reasonable maintenance plan for your review. An effective maintenance plan will account for your site’s growth, expansion, and enhancements without costing you a high hourly rate.
Adventure Web Interactive is ready to help you unlock the full potential of the Internet. Contact us today to get started at 410.788.7007 or 866.488.8644.