
The Game Changer: CampaignOn Launches in November to Change Campaign Management Landscape

CampaignOn is an organization that will be offering people running for office a suite of tools and expertise to help improve their campaign management. CampaignOn intends to offer this great service at an affordable price for most campaigns. The organization will be launching this November with the help of Adventure Web Productions (ADVP).

Here at ADVP, we handled CampaignOn’s IT Solutions for their software.

CampaignOn believes in supporting candidates that are serious about wanting to run the best possible campaign. The organization wants to be a game changer by changing the way campaigners run races.

Some of CampaignOn’s Campaign Manager Solutions suite offers are as followed:

A Victory Map that allows candidates to enter state-obtained information about likely voters into a program that generates an interactive map detailing locations and records of likely voters.

VoterMonster, a tool that makes interactive and updateable campaign sheets for use by workers detailing the locations of volunteers, donors, and signs to be placed for maximum efficiency.

Town Hall Live, a tool that allows candidates to conduct online town hall style Q&A meetings with potential constituents.

To learn more about the software tools CampaignOn will be using, read this article from BmoreMedia.com.

Or for professional full-service Internet development, hosting, and web marketing needs, contact Adventure Web Productions by calling (410)-788-7007 or by clicking here today!

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